Door Locks and keys can make your home feel like a fortress, but they also serve an important purpose. With all the different types of locks available today it’s easy to get lost when deciding which one will suit you best; we’ve put together this guide on some common reasons why getting new locks is necessary for any home!
Lost Keys – this is a very common occurrence and something that you are likely to experience at least once in your life. When you have lost your keys it’s important not just worry about getting back into the property but also changing/rekeying locks because now someone else could be inside! The last thing we want would be for our house keyed up against all sorts of unwanted guests or worse having its security compromised.
Previous Owners – You might be surprised to know that getting locks changed when you move into a new place is always good practice. It prevents previous residents from entering your property without permission with the use of their old key.
Attempted Break-in or break in — A break-in is never an easy task to deal with. Locks may have become damaged and no longer sufficiently secure your property, so it’s time for you to change them!
Old Locks – Locks are important for security, but they can be vulnerable to wear and tear. At first sign of trouble, you should contact a locksmith before serious problems arise that could leave you locked out or trapped inside your property with no way in! Older door locks may not be the most secure, and the same goes for some newer locks as the standards are constantly improving. The current minimum standard for locks in UK is BS3621 and TS007; if your old ones don’t meet or exceed this British Standard then get them upgraded by a local locksmith.
If you need the locks changing or upgrading at your home or business, then contact Pontefract Locksmith Solutions today – 01924 637498